
Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 3, 2012


Posted on April 20th, 2011 by Nikol Hasler 188 Comments
Exciting News! A new Net Connectors Challenge has just been announced! Your students could win an iPod Nano or iPad 2 if they participate.
Watch the challenge video:

And check back on a regular basis for new challenges.

Hey, Teachers!

How about a chance to win something nice for yourself? Help us improve the Net Connectors site. Take this brief survey and enter to win one of two $100 gift cards!

English As A Second Language

Are you interested in learning to speak English? CLICK HERE for a valuable list of resources and curriculum.

Free Multi-Media Curriculum

Are you a teacher, a parent, or someone who works with youth and are looking for ways to spark their creativity? Download our free curriculum, and let the inspiration of your students shine.
Hidden Heroes Video Project
Welcome to the HIDDEN HEROES project. Through this hands-on, standards-based curriculum, youth will tell the stories of their communities through the heroes and leaders who live and work there.
We’ve created this Production Guide to help you implement the curriculum in your classroom or after school workshop. We’ll walk you through each of the steps, from identifying and interviewing the heroes to producing the final exhibit that will culminate the project. The structure of this Production Guide is geared towards in-class use for middle and high school students, and the lesson plans and activities can easily be adapted to an after school program.
Flipping The Script
Despite the compelling need to engage youth in discussions about Hip-Hop, many educators are hesitant, either because of potentially controversial content, or because they’re not sure how to integrate it into a standards-based framework. This guidebook and accompanying curriculum addresses both of these challenges; our goal is to demystify Hip-Hop and empower educators with relevant and compelling materials that they can use to connect with their students’ daily lives and culture.
As we piloted and developed this curriculum, it became clear that everyone has his/her own ideas about, and relationship with, Hip-Hop. We decided that our most effective contribution would be to create a framework that could facilitate a reexamination of those ideas and relationships – encouraging teachers and students to look at Hip-Hop in ways that they haven’t done before.
Don’t Forget To Show Off
Have your students created something using this curriculum? We’d love to see it. We’re like a giant, web based refrigerator you can put your artwork on. Upload your project here or use our contact form to get in touch with us about featuring your project.

Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 2, 2012

English Lesson Plans

English Club ESL Lesson PlansHere are some great ideas for activities that will brighten up any English language class. Here you'll find ready-made lesson plans, as well as tips and ideas that you can include in lesson plans.
What Is A Lesson Plan?
A basic look at what a lesson plan for English teachers is and is not.
Multiple Intelligences Revisited by Rolf Palmberg
Multiple Intelligences Revisited
This freely downloadable e-book by Rolf Palmberg provides an introduction for teachers to Multiple Intelligences (MI) plus three detailed lesson plans and additional exercises that demonstrate and apply MI principles. (PDF format, 2.4MB)
Developing EFL Learners' Vocabulary Awareness
This freely downloadable e-book by Rolf Palmberg offers 15 easy-to-follow original lesson plans, with teacher's notes and answers. (PDF format, 290KB)
ESL Worksheets
Practical and printer-friendly worksheets and printables for use in the English classroom.
ESL Activities
Ideas for classroom activities and games at different levels and ages.
Authentic Materials
The latest English language news stories from magazines and newspapers around the world, ideal for use as authentic English reading for higher levels.

This Week In History

This Week In History

(A new story every Monday with quiz)
13 February 1945

Allies Bomb Dresden, Killing Thousands

Massive bombing by Allied forces kills tens of thousands of civilians in Dresden, Germany.
In 1945, towards the end of Word War Two, a massive bombing campaign by Allied air forces destroyed the German city of Dresden. Tens of thousands of civilian men, women and children were killed by the bombs and the following fire-storms. It is widely claimed that the bombing had little or no strategic military value.

allies (noun): nations or people who support one another in war
massive (adjective): very big; huge
civilians (noun): people who are not part of an army or in any official position
campaign (noun): a sustained series of actions organized to achieve a goal
strategic (adjective): connected to a plan of reaching a goal

Quick Quiz:
Dresden was destroyed by Allied bombs when World War Two
  1. had just ended
  2. had just begun
  3. was nearly over
The bombing campaign caused the deaths of tens of thousands of
  1. German soldiers
  2. German civilians
  3. Allied civilians
If an operation has no strategic military value, it means
  1. it wasn't necessary for victory
  2. it was important for victory
  3. it was carried out by mistake

Authentic Materials

Authentic Materials

Authentic Written Materials

Authentic materials, in terms of English language teaching, are any media that use English for real communication in an English-speaking community, as opposed to media that have been devised purely for the purposes of teaching or learning English. They may be divided loosely into authentic listening materials and authentic written materials.
"Authentic" refers to the materials, not to the English. It does not necessarily mean "correct" English or English spoken by first-language speakers, although by its nature it generally will be. The English found in authentic materials is real, in actual use, with all its flaws and inadequacies and immediacy. It includes authentic language features such as broken sentences, hesitation, interruption and interjection (authentic listening materials) or headline vocabulary, exotic fonts and abbreviations (authentic written materials).
Authentic listening materials include songs, videos, films, radio programmes and television shows, as well as harder to come by materials such as recorded phone conversations, airport announcements, pilot's announcements.
Authentic written materials include: newspapers, magazines, web pages, leaflets, posters, bus tickets, backs of Cornflakes packets, advertisements including classified ads, cooking recipes, horoscopes, maps, basic instructions, user guides or operating manuals, menus, timetables, signs, letters, emails, comic strips. Some of these materials will be very hard to find in some countries or towns.

ESL Activities

Ideas for activities and games in the English classroom.
 Elementary Level
 Pre-Intermediate Level
 Intermediate Level
 Upper-Intermediate Level

ESL Handouts

ESL Handouts

ESL Handouts



  • Expressing the Future - Explanation of Present Simple, Present Continuous, Going To and Will for the Future.



  • Desiderata - There is some controversy as to the source of this design-for-living prose poem. It is variously claimed to be anonymous ("found in Old St Paul's Church, Baltimore AC 1692") and to have been written by Max Ehrmann in Terre Haute, Indiana in the early 1920's.
  • Futility - Sensitive First World War poem by Wilfred Owen.

ESL Worksheets

ESL Worksheets

Here are some practical, printer-friendly ESL worksheets (most with teachersheets and KEYs) that you can use in any English language class.
ESL Worksheets